With 28 years of communications experience in the Canadian entertainment industry, Stuart McAllister has an extensive network of media contacts across the country. His hands-on production experience includes analysis of marketing needs, development of media kits, and coordination of the graphic design of publicity and promotional materials, delivering a high-quality, recognizable and consistent brand image for his clients. This insight and these relationships, coupled with powerful writing skills and a background in journalism, ensure that his clients’ messages are delivered effectively to the media.

McAllister has studied marketing, advertising copywriting, magazine journalism, and poster design. He has set box office records by the skilful use of print and broadcast media. His clients have made front-page headlines from The National Post, The Toronto Sun, and The Montreal Gazette’s Business section to the North Bay Nugget, Pique Newsmagazine, and the Meridian Booster. He is a published journalist and he is also conversant in French.